Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Our Arrival at Bryce

We collected ourselves after who-knows-what-happened in Denver, we got a bagel for breakfast and moved on to the last leg of our cross-country trip. This drive was the complete opposite of the Kansas drive. We drove through the rockies and some of the most beautiful landscapes Ben or I had ever seen. We finally made it to the Utah state line around 7pm with another 6 hours of driving ahead of us. We were so pumped up, that it felt like nothing. We finally made it!!! 7 days ago, we were in Florida, and now, we’re right smack in the middle of Nowhere, Utah. What a feeling! G-d bless the Camry!! She’s the best!!

We arrived at my new apartment at around 2am. We unpacked the best we could and passed out almost immediately.

Since the drive in was in the wee hours of the morning, we had no idea what Bryce looked like. We woke up, looked out the window, and realized that we were right smack in the middle of, well, nowhere. We organized a little bit more and took a drive to see the Bryce Amphitheater, where we would be completely blown away by our own country’s majestic beauty. “Is this really America? Are we on another planet?” Words really can't describe this place.

My roommate couldn't be closer to the complete opposite of who I am. Fortunately, though, I think we'll be teaching each other very different, but valuable lessons. So it's not a complete loss. There's also a basketball court about 50 yards from my front door. It's pretty beat up, but since I assumed that I wasn't going to be able to play basketball at all this summer, it'll do.

We explored a bit more, got acquainted with the main spots in the Park and checked out the visitors center. Then Ben, myself, my roommate and another friend of ours decided to go check out the Mossy Cave hiking trail. You'll find as you follow along that most of these trail names aren't appropriate at all. The hike was an awesome one.

We went back to the place and found that alot of the residential workers were congregating around the firepit behind my place. I ended up meeting my boss, her boss, and alot of other great people that work at the park. Everybody seems like they're great people.

Then we cooked up some dinner and passed out.

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